Ology Suffix Words starting with E
Ecclesiology | the study of Church architecture and
decoration or separately the study of the Christian Church |
Ecogeomorphology/ Biogeomorphology |
the study of interactions between organisms
and geomorphological processes |
Ecohydrology | the study of interactions among organisms and the water cycle |
Ecology | the science of the relationships between organisms and their environments.Also called bionomics. |
Eccrinology | study of excretion |
Economic geology | is concerned with earth materials that can be utilized for economic and or industrial purposes. |
Ecophysiology | the study of the interrelationship between
an organism's physical functioning and its environment |
Edaphology | the science that deals with the influence
of soil and other media on the growth of plants |
Egyptology | the study of the ancient Egyptians |
Electrology | the study of electricity |
Electrophysiology | the study of the relationship between
electric phenomena and bodily processes |
Embryology | the study of embryos |
Emetology | the study of the causes of emesis(i.e. vomiting) |
Emmenology | the the study of menstruation |
Endemiology | study of local diseases |
Endocrinology | study of glands |
Enigmatology | study of enigmas |
Endocrinology | the study of internal secretory glands |
Enigmatology | the study of puzzles |
Enology (or Oenology) |
the study of wine and winemaking |
Entomology | the study of insects |
Entozoology | study of parasites that live inside larger organisms |
Enzymology | the study of enzymes |
Epidemiology | the study of the origin and spread of diseases |
Epileptology | the study of epilepsy |
Epistemology | the study of the nature and origins of knowledge |
Eremology | the study of deserts |
Ergology | the study of effects of work on humans |
Escapology | the practice of escaping from restraints or other traps |
Eschatology | a branch of theology concerned with the
final events in the history of the world or of mankind |
Ethnology | the study of race |
Ethnomethodology | the study of everyday communication |
Ethnomusicology | the study of music in society, usually non-western music |
Ethology | the scientific and objective study of animal behaviour |
Etiology | the science of causes; especially of disease |
Etymology | the study of origins of words |
Eulogy | the speech of praise |
Evolutionary biology | the study of the process of biological evolution |
Evolutionary psychology |
the study of the process of (usually) human psychological evolution. |
Exobiology | the study of life in outer space |