Ology Suffix Words starting with D
Dactyliology | the study and making of finger rings |
Dactylology | the study of sign language |
Deltiology | the study and the collecting of picture postcards |
Demology | the study of human behaviour |
Demonology | the study of demons |
Dendrochronology | the study of the age of trees and the records in their rings |
Dendrology | the study of trees |
Deontology | the ethical study of duties, obligations, and rights. |
Dermatology | the field of medicine that deals with the skin |
Dermatopathology | the study of cutaneous diseases at a microscopic level |
Desmology | the study of ligaments |
Diabology | the study of devils |
Dialectology | the study of dialects |
Dinosaurology | the study of dinosaurs |
Diplomatology | the study of diplomats |
Dipterology | the study of flies |
Docimology | the art of assaying(metals) |
Dosiology | the study of doses |